Action! Reaction! A film blog covering the banished and ever-lowly genre of action movies.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Machete rumors confirmed and then some!

Bring on the trash

Danny Trejo, Michelle Rodriguez, Robert De Niro, Steven Seagal, Lindsay Lohan, Don Johnson(!), Jeff Fahey, Jessica Alba, and Robert Rodriguez-regular Cheech Marin have all supposedly been officially cast in Rodriguez's upcoming Machete, an off-shoot/expansion on the fake Grindhouse trailer original.

This obviously seems too good to be true, but apparently it is--according to Variety--and a little overwhelming considering the source material. I could care less about Alba but everyone else seems primed for some B-Grindhouse trash. I've always seen Rodriguez as being pretty much hit-or-miss, or more accurately somewhere between the two. But with a cast like this, he better knock this one out of the park.

Source: Variety, /Film

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