Wesley Snipes out. Forest Whitaker out. 50 Cent, out. So now who's in? Well none other than President Camacho, a.k.a. Terry Crews!
This is a big development, but I'll be brief. Crews may not be the "insurance policy" that Whitaker was, but he's definitely an improvement over Curtis Jackson a.k.a. 50 Cent. He's really been making something of himself, taking roles both big and small in big and small movies throughout the decade (The 6th Day, Training Day, Idiocracy, Inland Empire, Street Kings, and the upcoming Terminator: Salvation are roles that I would praise him for, at least in principle). He should gel perfectly within the cast of the Expendables and maybe it'll give him the little boost he needs a la Randy Couture.
As always, we'll see how it develops.
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