Stone Cold's comin' for ya
A day or two ago, I had surpassed posting the news that Charisma Carpenter had joined everyone's favorite action ensemble epic of the new millennium, The Expendables (just another pretty face by my standards), but now, this new bit simply cannot be ignored.
Stone Cold Steve Austin 3:16 himself has now officially joined the cast. Now, not only do we have a real fighter on our hands (Randy Couture), not to mention a martial arts master (Jet Li), but a professional wrestler as well. These, combined with the big-name actioners like Lundgren, Statham, and Stallone himself should provide for some pretty entertaining fireworks. And don't forget that confimed Schwarzenegger cameo. And well, fuck, don't forget everyone else either, in Forest Whitaker, Mickey Rourke, Danny Trejo, and maybe even now Eric Roberts (!)? I'm still lamenting over the lack of Van Damage and Wesley Snipes, as well as the very much needed addition of Sandra Bullock, but oh well. Stallone's not gonna quit, he's not gonna give up no matters who gives him the shaft. Don't stop, Sly, don't stop.
I should be getting paid for the way I promote this Goddamned movie. It better be good, and damn good.
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