As I usually do, I was jumping around looking for pertinent news on the interwebs and I came across a supposedly 'new' (I didn't know there was even an old) trailer for the upcoming Sam Mendes film Revolutionary Road. Even though, thus so far, I've thought the film had looked pretty mediocre, I gave in decided to watch it anyway, as is the custom in the world of film-wannabes like myself. Oddly enough, I soon learned through some poking around that it was in fact the 'old' international trailer, and that it had been posted in conjunction with a link to the new one. But regardless--let me get to the point--it was more or less an American-Beauty-ish, 1950s marriage troubles movie with the unfit and unbelievable Leo as the befuddled husband of fellow Titanic alum Kate Winslet, who, despite her reasonable talent, seems to be their for the sake of a Titanic reunion and nothing else (okay, I'm getting a little harsh, but think about it). The most interesting thing I found in the trailer, which you can watch here, was funny and almost ironic connection to everybody's new favorite movie The Dark Knight. When Winslet says "We had plans, you had plans," to Leo, I immediately thought of the Joker's second speech, or, the "It's all part of the plan" speech. In it, he says, "The mob has plans, the cops have plans, Gordon's got plans, you know, they're schemers, schemers trying to control their little worlds." Isn't it funny, how the Joker's words could possibly sum up the whole of Revolutionary Road? Not to dump on Sam Mendes, well, actually to dump on Sam Mendes, I turn to the Joker yet again: "You were a schemer, you had plans, and uh, look where that got ya."
On a very loosely-related note, am I the only one who's not excited for the CROTCHMEN (okay, bad joke). I'm really getting sick of the hyper-emo and 'ooooh, we're dark' atmosphere of the trailers. Granted, I haven't read the graphic novel, but I don't read much these days, now I do I? And I'm also not down on director Zack Snyder or his previous 300. Yes, I didn't like 300 and I never will. For me, it was just an allegory for the similarly retarded Ewok victory over the Stormtroopers, complete with the incompetent writing and wtf uncoolness. The Watchmen feels like some strange mashup of the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen with Fantastic Four, thrown into the world of Sin City to make it legitimately cool. I know that's a low blow, but 'watch me' as I go even lower: I will say now, that Fantastic Four is and will be a better movie than the Watchmen. There, I said it.
Speaking of trailers, a new, full-length edition recently came out for perpetually-delayed Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Less-action packed, less awesomeness, more force-fed epic, more lame. I still have a lot of faith in this film, both relative to the other Potter entries and on its own, but come on, let's not become a muted grey sorrow-pit like every other movie this decade.
Also, Quantum of Solace (or Suantum of Qolace, or Something of Boris?) is coming to a theater near you. I plan to check it out soon, and you should too. I've really fallen for Daniel Craig as Bond, but I still hate the anti-James Bond vibes around him; in other words, he's really not playing James Bond, but James Bourne. Many incoming reviews seem to correlate this, which, as much as I've also fallen for the Bourne films, is fairly disappointing. I guess we'll just have to see, and indeed see the film, sometime soon.
And if I may say one more thing, TWILIGHT WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (Twilight will not be dark enough to trump the Knight, oh no).
Feel free to leave your comments, but just remember that the Street Preacher might break you and help you find Jesus.
The Fantastic Four? I'd take this over that. Watchmen, I can't promise it'll be good. But I can quote Wikipedia about our Mr. Snyder!
"Best known for his cinematic wide screen shooting style, Zack has been compared to a young David Lean..."
Zack's thoughts? "The similarities are inevitable."
What an ego trip. As some people mentioned in a comments section on The Aspect Ratio, "Snyder is a visual stylist, and not an original one at that." He thinks he's going to "legitimize" the super-hero genre...so, the Dark Knight didn't do that? Whatever.
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