Action! Reaction! A film blog covering the banished and ever-lowly genre of action movies.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Missy Pariah

So, apparently, I found out today Sean Young has a YouTube Channel. There’s only a few videos so far—some great, behind the scenes looks (Dune, Blue Ice, Ace Ventura), and some splices of her personal life. It’s really well put together, and while I’m sure she has help, she’s actually communicating with fans openly—very down to earth but well spoken just the same. I for one am definitely going to follow her progress. I’ve always been a fan…she always had that face of a star, maybe not the greatest actress, but underappreciated nonetheless. And yeah, FUCK SCHNABEL. What a tremendously overrated artsy-fartsy cunt weasel.

Check it out.

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