Action! Reaction! A film blog covering the banished and ever-lowly genre of action movies.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Ferrara out of Game of Death?

Lame...he's up to his old PMS ways again. Head on over to Kung Fu Cinema for the full story.

Speaking of Ferrara, I'm planning/hoping to see the new Bad Lieutenant tonight...I'm not much on the Herzog bandwagon, and I felt his direct disrespect to Ferrara's original was very much uncalled for, but alas, I am an enthusiast of the cinema, and too much of a sucker to pass up Nicolas Cage doing the ol' crazy thang again. Review to follow.

I'm also hoping to catch The Blind Side tomorrow (huge football fan, and I love me some Sandra!), so I might add my thoughts of that into the op-ed for the month.

Be back soon!

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