Either way, here are some important bits I would've posted if I had been back stateside:

David Carradine, super-fly even in the face of Chuck Norris
First and foremost, David Carradine has hung--though whether it was intentional (getting kinky, are we?) or even if he did it himself are both still in question. Though I wish I could've seen him in a few more movies, it's almost fitting that he went this way, at least with his celebrity persona in mind. I obviously never knew the man personally, but there's just something about it. I don't feel as sad as I do with most celebrity deaths. Call me a prick but it's the truth.
In terms of his career, I still lament over the missed casting of Warren Beatty in Kill Bill. Carradine was fine, but the role was obviously written for Beatty ("I'm the man"), and no matter how good Carradine could be, he still couldn't overcome Beatty's omnipresent shadow. A shame for all involved.
Other than that, I've always thought one of the greatest action-movie showdowns ever was between him and Chuck Norris in Lone Wolf McQuade. It's the downhome, American martial artist vs. pseudo-kung fu guru. As the villain, Carradine was tough, slimy, and above all, smooth. Just classic.
Obviously his Roger Corman days come to mind, but for me, when I was travelling in Argentina, I unearthed a giant poster of him in some '80s war movie--I think it was Behind Enemy Lines, but I can't be sure (the writing is in some unfamiliar language). It's one of the coolest cinematic artifacts I have ever seen in my life. That's how I will remember David Carradine, if for nothing else. An intriguing man.
Moving on, The Aspect Ratio strikes again--a great piece on the always-worthy-of-discussion John Milius.
A silly, movie-related Something Awful photoshop friday. The opener is the best.
James Cameron most appropriately trashes the new Terminator movie and subtly so. Speaking of which, you may have seen my clumsy review for Terminator: Salvation, which I actually caught here in New Zealand. I almost want to re-review it because it's just that frustrating. So much wasted potential!
Make sure you keep up on The Expendables blog and Twitter page. This movie will be the next best thing to The Dark Knight. Trust me here.
And well, speaking of such, here is advertising at its finest. Just professional. Sit back and enjoy:
Broken link!
Here's a working link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMyX8pjliEk
This movie has had some of the most inspired advertising known to myself - from whysoserious to the posters to even the television debuts, it's genuine quality
Wrong one.
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