This is not really news, but just something which I find pretty 'damme' cool. FanDamme is reporting that Jean-Claude himself has contacted them with praise for their website:
A few days ago a personal friend of Jean-Claude van Damme showed him this website. So Van Damme did try to contact me, as webmaster of this site. Last Monday I called Van Damme, but on that moment he had another phonecall, so I talked only a few little words with his son Kristopher. Yesterday I tried again and now JCVD answered the phone by himself. He appreciated the work that was done to create this site and told me it had a professional look.
Sure, there's lot of official sites that keep in touch with their stars, but there's something to be said when a star reaches out to the 'unofficial' realm like this. J.C.V.D. is coming to my base of operations, Minneapolis, MN, in about a week and though I've been exceptionally lazy with getting out to see films this is one I will surely not pass up! And neither should you!
Photo Credit: Rowthree
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