It appears that Jean-Claude Van Damme is not going to let his little resurgence be one and done. Following the preemptive success of J.C.V.D., Van Damme is writing, directing, and starring in his next project, entitled Full Love, along with his children. According to Twitch, Van Damme has said the film is "based on a true story, based in another reality" (very Seagal-ish), and that it is "about love, friendship, and dedication." The last film Van Damme directed was The Quest, with very mixed results, but as with J.C.V.D. it seems he's taking his image in another direction, which may or may not turn out to be successful.
I haven't been this excited with film news since the rollicking Dark Knight lead-up and viral campaign. Van Damme is on a roll, by his very ambition alone, and I hope he doesn't let up. I've always thought Van Damme was the most versatile and ambitious of all the major action stars, which is probably why he's my favorite in the first place. From playing villains, to dual roles, to serious films like Legionnaire and In Hell, he's done it all, and without the mainstream success of someone like Arnold. This could easily be argued, however, with the careers of Dolph Lundgren, and Jet Li (among others) in mind, so please feel free to do so in the comments section.
You can see the entire gallery from Full Love here.
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